Bifurcation to Rotating Waves from Non-Trivial Steady-States.pdf
Bifurcation to Rotating Waves from Non-Trivial Steady-States
Hopf Bifurcation from Rotating Waves and Patterns in Physical Space.pdf
Hopf Bifurcation from Rotating Waves and Patterns in Physical Space
Rotating waves in simple scalar excitable media approximations and numerical solutionsJournal of mathematical biology[2016]B,Ermentrout,.pdf
Rotating waves in simple scalar excitable media approximations and numerical solutionsJournal of mathematical biology[2016]B,Ermentrout,
rotating waves in the theta model for a ring of synaptically connected neurons.pdf
rotating waves in the theta model for a ring of synaptically connected neurons
Pinning of rotating waves to defects in nite ...:将旋转波缺陷在黑夜....pdf
Pinning of rotating waves to defects in nite …:将旋转波缺陷在黑夜…of,in,to,waves,nite,wave
Hopf Bifurcation from Rotating Waves and Patterns in Physical Space.pdf
Hopf Bifurcation from Rotating Waves and Patterns in Physical Space
Heteroclinic orbits between rotating waves in hyperbolic balance laws, preprint.pdf
Heteroclinic orbits between rotating waves in hyperbolic balance laws, preprintHeteroclinic orbits between rotating waves in hyperbolic balance laws, preprintHeteroclinic orbits between rotating waves in hyperbolic balance laws, preprint
Metastable and chaotic transient rotating waves in a ring of unidirectionally coupled bistable Lorenz systems.pdf
Metastable and chaotic transient rotating waves in a ring of unidirectionally coupled bistable Lorenz systems
reviews of nonlinear dynamics and complexity delay stabilization of rotating waves without odd number limitation.pdf
reviews of nonlinear dynamics and complexity delay stabilization of rotating waves without odd number limitation

向豆丁求助:有没有rotating waves?
