Random Sets for Multitarget Tracking and Data Fusion.pdf
InformationTechnologyMatti ViholaRandom Sets MultitargetTracking DataFusionLicentiateThesisExaminers
A New 2.5D Representation for Lymph Node Detection Using Random Sets of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Observations.pdf
A New 2.5D Representation for Lymph Node Detection Using Random Sets of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Observations
201011.4310v1 Combinatorial theorems in sparse random sets.pdf
We develop a new technique that allows us to show in a unified way that many well-known combinatorial theorems, including Turán´s theorem, Szemerédi´s theorem and Ramsey´s theorem, hold almost surely inside sparse random sets. For instance, we extend Turán´s theorem to the random setting by showing that for every epsilon > 0 and every positive integer t >= 3 there exists a constant C such that, if G is a random graph on n vertices where each edge is chosen independently with probability at least C n^{-2/(t+1)}, then, with probability tending to 1 as n tends to infinity, every subgraph of G with at least (1 - 1/(t-1) + epsilon) e(G) edges contains a copy of K_t. This is sharp up to the constant C. We also show how to prove sparse analogues of structural results, giving two main applications, a stability version of the random Turán theorem stated above and a sparse hypergraph removal lemma. Many similar results have recently been obtained independently in a different way by Schacht and by Fried
DEGREES OF RANDOM SETS:随机集度of,帮助,随机集,sets,随机,Sets,反馈意见
An Introduction To Random Sets(Nguyen)非常重要.pdf
Sequential Monte Carlo methods for multitarget filtering with random finite sets.pdf
On the Hardy-Littlewood majorant problem for random sets.pdf
On the Hardy–Littlewood majorant problem for random sets
QQ Plots, Random Sets and Data from a Heavy Tailed....pdf
OutlineIntroduction Preliminaries QQ plots LS line Tail index estimation SummaryQQ Plots, Random Set
Estimation of solutions of random sets of simultaneous linear algebraic equations of high order.pdf
Estimation of solutions of random sets of simultaneous linear algebraic equations of high order
How to Fully Represent Expert Information about Imprecise Properties in a Computer System - Random Sets, Fuzzy Sets, and Beyond An Overview.pdf
How to Fully Represent Expert Information about Imprecise Properties in a Computer System – Random Sets, Fuzzy Sets, and Beyond An Overview

向豆丁求助:有没有random sets?
