Running head Steryl glycoside mutants Name Seth DeBolt....pdf
Running head Steryl glycoside mutants Name Seth DeBolt…
Eukaryotic sterol homeostasis steryl ester hydrolases in.pdf
Eukaryotic sterol homeostasis steryl ester hydrolases in —文档、资料、论文、办公、总结,均是精品资料,免费阅读,免费分享,值得下载!
Enzymatic hydrolysis of steryl glycosides for their analysis in foods.pdf
Enzymatic hydrolysis of steryl glycosides for their analysis in foods
Regulatory link between steryl ester formation and hydrolysis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.pdf
Regulatory link between steryl ester formation and hydrolysis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Defects in triacylglycerol lipolysis affect synthesis of triacylglycerols and steryl esters in the yeast.pdf
Defects in triacylglycerol lipolysis affect synthesis of triacylglycerols and steryl esters in the yeast
IGF-1 Induction by Acylated Steryl β-Glucosides Found in a Pre-Germinated Brown Rice Diet Reduces Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes.pdf
IGF-1 Induction by Acylated Steryl β-Glucosides Found in a Pre-Germinated Brown Rice Diet Reduces Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes
the role of arabidopsis abcg9 and abcg31 atp binding cassette transporters in pollen fitness and the deposition of steryl glycosides on the pollen coat:拟南芥abcg9和abcg31 atp结合盒转运体在花粉健身的作用和对花粉表面沉积的甾醇甙.pdf
the role of arabidopsis abcg9 and abcg31 atp binding cassette transporters in pollen fitness and the deposition of steryl glycosides on the pollen coat:拟南芥abcg9和abcg31 atp结合盒转运体在花粉健身的作用和对花粉表面沉积的甾醇甙

