Python course in Bioinformatic.pdf
Python course in Bioinformatic
Bioinformatic Techniques and Tools for SNP Analysis.ppt
Bioinformatic Techniques and Tools for SNP Analysis
nrg.2016.114-Detecting circular RNAs- bioinformatic and experimental challenges.pdf
nrg.2016.114-Detecting circular RNAs- bioinformatic and experimental challengesnrg.2016.114-Detecting circular RNAs- bioinformatic and experimental challengesnrg.2016.114-Detecting circular RNAs- bioinformatic and experimental challenges
Bioinformatic bodies: Biopolitics, biotech, and the discourse of the posthuman..pdf
Bioinformatic Bodies is an in-depth critical analysis of the ways in which biotechnology is currently transforming the relationships between the body and technology for the future of medicine and scientific theories of life. Combining the approaches of science and media studies, this project examines how the relationships between the body and technology have been reconfigured by molecular biotechnology and genetics research. The analysis focuses on a hybrid figure that is referred to as “the bioinformatic body,” a flexible articulation of genetic “codes” and computer “codes” which underwrites such recent phenomena as: genomics databases, DNA chips, and biological computers. This project argues that current research in biotechnology privileges an informatic approach to the body, while at the same time evincing a deep investment in the ways that biological materiality can be technically optimized. Biotechnology is predicated upon the foundational assumption t
bioinformatic and functional analysis of promoter region of human slc25a13 gene.[2019][gene][10.1016j.gene.2019.01.023].pdf
bioinformatic and functional analysis of promoter region of human slc25a13 gene.[2019][gene][10.1016j.gene.2019.01.023]
Python course in Bioinformatic(1).pdf
Python course in Bioinformatic(1)
Building bioinformatic tools for massive repurposing of multi-omic data in the Sequence Read Archive.pdf
CALIFORNIASAN DIEGO Building bioinformatic tools massiverepurposing multi-omicdata SequenceRead Arch
comparative bioinformatic and proteomic approaches to evaluate the outer membrane proteome of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri.j proteomics[2019].pdf
comparative bioinformatic and proteomic approaches to evaluate the outer membrane proteome of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri.j proteomics[2019]
service-oriented architecture for integration of bioinformatic data and applications.pdf
service-oriented architecture for integration of bioinformatic data and applications

