DIT - University of Trento Knowledge Dissemination in the Web....pdf
DIT - University of Trento Knowledge Dissemination in the Web…
维罗纳Borgo Trento医院整合多功能的中心庭院.pdf
EI)]073 2Ol3总体规划 维罗纳Borg Trento医院 整合 多功能的中心庭 目名称一维罗纳Borgo Trento 医院项 目地点意大利 维罗纳设计啬一 温玛格和Attieri 工作室台
Prime Numbers and Polynomials, PhD thesis, Luca Goldoni, University of Trento, 2010 博士学位论文.pdf
This thesis deals with the classical problem of prime numbers represented by polynomials. It consists of three parts. In the first part I collected many results about the problem. Some of them are quite recent and this part can be considered as a survey of the state of the art of the subject. In the second part I present two results due to P. Pleasants about the cubic polynomials with integer coefficients in several variables. The aim of this part is to simplify the works of Pleasants and modernize the notation employed. In such a way these important theorems are now in a more readable form. In the third part I present some original results related with some algebraic invariants which are the key-tools in the works of Pleasants. The hidden diophantine nature of these invariants makes them very difficult to study. Anyway some results are proved. These results make the results of Pleasants somewhat more effective.
Universit 224; degli studi di Trento Dottorato di ricerca in studi....pdf
DIT - University of Trento I E A S M V D - unitn.it.pdf
DIT - University of Trento I E A S M V D - unitn.it
Universit`a degli studi di Trento - science.unitn.it.pdf
Universit`a degli studi di Trento - science.unitn.it
Adding and Using Maps - DISI, University of Trento.pdf
Adding and Using Maps - DISI, University of Trento
Doctoral Thesis University of Trento - unitn.it.pdf
Doctoral Thesis University of Trento - unitn.it
L'impatto economico deLLa cooperazione in provincia di trento.pdf
L’impatto economico deLLa cooperazione in provincia di trento
Universit`adegli studi di Trento Corsi di Meccanica razionale....pdf
Universit`adegli studi di Trento Corsi di Meccanica razionale…

