Unbiased Risk Estimates for Singular Value Thresh:奇异值阈值无偏风险估计.pdf
Unbiased Risk Estimates for Singular Value Thresh:奇异值阈值无偏风险估计帮助,for,value
Reentry and Ectopic Pacemakers Emerge in a Three-Dimensional Model for a Slab of Cardiac Tissue with Diffuse Microfibrosis near the Percolation Thresh.pdf
RESEARCHARTICLEReentry EctopicPacemakers Emerge aThree-DimensionalModel SlabofCardiac Tissue Diffuse
Scheduling Fixed-Priority Tasks with Preemption Threshold
high-resolution genotyping of wild barley introgression lines and fine-mapping of the threshability locus thresh-1 using the illumina goldengate assay:高分辨分型野生大麦导入系和精细定位的轨迹thresh...pdf
high-resolution genotyping of wild barley introgression lines and fine-mapping of the threshability locus thresh-1 using the illumina goldengate assay:高分辨分型野生大麦导入系和精细定位的轨迹thresh-1 threshability使用illumina的goldengate
O(alpha_s^2) Corrections to e+e- to ttbar Total and Differential Cross n Sections Near Thresh.pdf
Recently full O(alpha_s^2, alpha_s*beta, beta^2) corrections to the threshold ntotal cross section for e+e- to ttbar have been calculated, and the reported ncorrections turned out to be unexpectedly large. We study how to reduce ntheoretical uncertainties of the cross section. We adopt a new mass definition nproposed by Beneke, which incorporates a renormalon-pole cancellation in the ntotal..
John Michael Thresh - On lifelong war with plant viruses.pdf
John Michael Thresh – On lifelong war with plant viruses
john michael thresh, founding father of plant virus epidemiology a tribute.[2017][virus res][10.1016j.virusres.2017.04.015].pdf
john michael thresh, founding father of plant virus epidemiology a tribute.[2017][virus res][10.1016j.virusres.2017.04.015]
Using wavelet analysis to compare the QCD prediction and experimental data on R e e Re eR_{e^ e^-} and to determine parameters of the charmonium states above the DD ˉ DDˉDbar{D} thresh...pdf
Using wavelet analysis to compare the QCD prediction and experimental data on R e e Re eR_{e^ e^-} and to determine parameters of the charmonium states above the DD ˉ DDˉDbar{D} thresh..Using wavelet analysis to compare the QCD prediction and experimental data on R e e Re eR_{e^ e^-} and to determine parameters of the charmonium states above the DD ˉ DDˉDbar{D} thresh..Using wavelet analysis to compare the QCD prediction and experimental data on R e e Re eR_{e^ e^-} and to determine parameters of the charmonium states above the DD ˉ DDˉDbar{D} thresh..

