漆远_蚂蚁金服 - technological innovation at alibaba.pdf
TechnologicalInnova.onatAlibabaAlanQiVicePresidentofAntFinancialServiceGroupTechnologies Alibaba11-1
The Economic Effects of Technological Progress:Evidence from the Banking Industry.pdf
This paper examines technological progress and its effects in the banking industry. Banks are intensive users
of both IT and financial technologies, and have a wealth of data available that may be helpful for the general
understanding of the effects of technological change. The research suggests improvements in costs and lending
capacity due to improvements in “back-office” technologies, as well as consumer benefits from improved
“front-office” technologies. The research also suggests significant overall productivity increases in terms of
improved quality and variety of banking services. In addition, the research indicates that technological
progress likely helped facilitate consolidation of the industry.
Technological roadmap of Cisco´s business ecosystem_2010.pdf
Technological aspects of underground coal gasification in the Experimental Barbara Mine.pdf
Technologicalaspects undergroundcoal gasificationin Experimental‘‘Barbara’’ MineM. Wiatowski, K. Kapu
Development Strategy Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Technological Innovation.pdf
Development Strategy Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Technological InnovationDevelopment Strategy Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Technological InnovationDevelopment Strategy Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Technological Innovation
Industry Cluster Analysis of the Causes of technological innovation_15412.doc
Industry Cluster Analysis of the Causes of technological innovation_15412
More attention to technological era real estate network marketing_2442.doc
More attention to technological era real estate network marketing_2442
30 ´The primary goal of technological advancement should be ....doc
NO.30现代化与民生 primarygoal technologicaladvancement should increasepeople´s efficiency so everyonehas m
TTC课程Science Fiction - The Literature Of Technological Imagination -- 18.pdf
TTC课程Science Fiction - The Literature Of Technological Imagination -- 18
