stimulated Brillouin scattering.pdf
Stimulated optical radiation in ruby.pdf
Nature Photonics milestone
Stimulated Emission and Photon Amplification.doc
Stimulated Emission and Photon AmplificationStimulated Emission and Photon AmplificationStimulated Emission and Photon Amplification
2011_Unconventional physical mechanisms between stimulated Brillouin scattering and backward stimulated Raman scattering in liquid water.pdf
Unconventionalphysical mechanisms between stimulated Brillouin scattering backwardstimulatedRaman sc
Amaxa? 4D-Nucleofector? Protocol for stimulated Human T Cells.pdf
Amaxa™ 4D-Nucleofector™ Protocol for stimulated Human T Cells论文 总结 英语 资料 ppt 文档 免费阅读 免费分享,如需请下载!
Phase-resolved measurements of stimulated emission in a laser.pdf
Phase-resolved measurements of stimulated emission in a laser

Josef Kro¨ll1, Juraj Darmo1, Sukhdeep S. Dhillon2,3, Xavier Marcadet4, Michel Calligaro4, Carlo Sirtori2
& Karl Unterrainer1

Lasers are usually described by their output frequency and intensity.
However, laser operation is an inherently nonlinear process.
Knowledge about the dynamic behaviour of lasers is thus of great
importance for detailed understanding of laser operation and for
improvement in performance for applications. Of particular interest
is the time domain within the coherence time of the optical
transition. This time is determined by the oscillation period of the
laser radiation and thus is very short. Rigorous quantum mechanical
models1,2 predict interesting effects like quantum beats,
lasing without inversion, and photon echo processes. As these
models are based on quantum coherence and interference, knowledge
of the phase within the optical cycle is of particular interest.
Laser ra
Fission of optical solitons induced by stimulated Raman effect.pdf
Kuochou Tai and Akira Hasegawa
2009-JOSA-Temperature-dependent stimulated emission cross section in NdYVO4 crystal.pdf
2009-JOSA-Temperature-dependent stimulated emission cross section in NdYVO4 crystal
Optically controlled slow and fast light in optical fibers using stimulated Brillouin scattering.pdf
Opticallycontrolled slow fastlight opticalfibers using stimulatedBrillouin scatteringMiguel Gonzlez-H
On the junior high school language teaching method in stimulated interest_34174.doc
On the junior high school language teaching method in stimulated interest_34174

