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【ひよつとこ】 - the private PUBLIC DOMAIN DATA …
商务英语原文--A Simple Guide to Public Speaking.txt
Most of us will probably freeze at the mere thought of making a speech. Yet, public speaking is one of the key skills that a successful leader needs to have. Experts will tell you that most people are not born with the gift of the gab; impressive speakers are made with a little bit of guidance, but mainly through perseverance! While there are lots of resources devoted to the art of public speaking, like “Great Speaking Ezine” on, here are a few quick tips for someone who wants to hit the ground running.
商务英语原文--Auction Marketing - Selling Selling Sold.txt
Are you stuck with some products that are not selling the traditional way? Do you want to dispose of some property but are not sure what´s a fair price? This piece introduces you to a unique marketing mechanism, namely Auction Marketing.
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商务英语原文--How to Become an Effective and Engaging Public Speaker as Well as a Strong Communicator.txt
You are an expert in your field and have great experience working for XYZ companies and maybe your own business.As guest speaker however, you now find that despite your expertise and the importance of your talk, your audience seems uninterested; even slightly confused. Here lies the big difference between knowing a subject matter well and communicating it to others effectively.
商务英语原文--Auction Ebay Site 4 Steps to Using Ebay and Auction Sites.txt
If you are interested in using eBay and auctions sites, there are four steps you need to keep in mind when it comes to Ebay and auctions in this day and age. And through this article, you will be given the basic four steps you need to understand to advance in successful eBay auctions. Using this information, you´ll be in a better position to profit through using the auction Ebay site now and well into the future.

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