Building Genre Knowledge. Tardy, C.M. Parlor Press, West Lafayette, IN (2009). viii 323 pp., US 32.00, ISBN 978-1-60235-112-7.pdf
Building Genre Knowledge. Tardy, C.M. Parlor Press, West Lafayette, IN (2009). viii ±323 pp., US $32.00, ISBN 978-1-60235-112-7
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The "invisible hand," Adam Smith´s metaphor for the morality of capitalism, is explored in this text as being far more subtle and intricate than is usually understood, with many British realist fiction writers (Austen, Dickens, Gaskell, Eliot) having absorbed his model of ironic causality in complex societies and turned it to their own purposes.
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收稿日期:2014 01 20基金项目 :山东大学自主创新基金项目“儒家的格物学说能否发展出西方意义上的科学”(项目编号2012HW016)的阶段性成果。作者简介 ,山东大学哲学与社会发展学院副教授,
高中英语写作教学策略--体裁法、过程法与结果法的整合 target=_blank(Teaching strategies of English writing in senior high school -- integration of genre approach, process approach and outcome approach target=_blank).doc
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向豆丁求助:有没有genre theories?
