the type ii secretion system of legionella pneumophila dampens the myd88 and tlr2 signaling pathway in infected human macrophages.[2017][infect immun].pdf
TypeII Secretion System Legionellapneumophila Dampens TLR2Signaling Pathway InfectedHuman Macrophage
the phospho-caveolin-1 scaffolding domain dampens force fluctuations in focal adhesions and promotes cancer cell migration.[2017][mol biol cell][10.pdf
the phospho-caveolin-1 scaffolding domain dampens force fluctuations in focal adhesions and promotes cancer cell migration.[2017][mol biol cell][10
disgust selectively dampens value-independent risk-taking for potential gains.[2020][cognition].pdf
disgust selectively dampens value-independent risk-taking for potential gains.[2020][cognition]
The nonmotor adaptor HMMR dampens Eg5-mediated forces to preserve the kinetics and integrity of chromosome segregation.pdf
The nonmotor adaptor HMMR dampens Eg5-mediated forces to preserve the kinetics and integrity of chromosome segregation
hepatic deficiency of poldip2 in type 2 diabetes dampens lipid and glucose homeostasis. (2019).[10.1016_j.metabol.2019.153948].pdf
hepatic deficiency of poldip2 in type 2 diabetes dampens lipid and glucose homeostasis. (2019).[10.1016_j.metabol.2019.153948]
cannabis dampens the effects of music in brain regions sensitive to reward and emotion(大麻抑制音乐对大脑中对奖赏和情感敏感的影响).pdf
cannabis dampens the effects of music in brain regions sensitive to reward and emotion(大麻抑制音乐对大脑中对奖赏和情感敏感的影响)
Ablation of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Forebrain Neurons is Neuroprotective and Dampens Brain Inflammation after Status Epilepticus.pdf
Ablation of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Forebrain Neurons is Neuroprotective and Dampens Brain Inflammation after Status Epilepticus

