Traditional Japanese Medicine Daikenchuto Improves Functional Constipation in Poststroke Patients.pdf
Traditional Japanese Medicine Daikenchuto Improves Functional Constipation in Poststroke Patients
sex ratio of newborn infants born to pregnant women with severe part chronic constipation.pdf
sex ratio of newborn infants born to pregnant women with severe part chronic constipation
雷火灸在脾肾阳虚型便秘患者中的应用 application of thunder fire moxibustion on spleen kidney-yang deficiency constipation patients.pdf
雷火灸在脾肾阳虚型便秘患者中的应用 application of thunder fire moxibustion on spleen kidney-yang deficiency constipation patients
Constipation in Children and Young People.pdf
Constipation in Children and Young PeopleConstipation in Children and Young PeopleConstipation in Children and Young People
Favorable surgical treatment outcomes for chronic constipation....pdf
Favorable surgical treatment outcomes for chronic constipation…
l'accompagnement nutritionnel d'un patient presentant une constipation chimio-induite:营养支持的患者化疗所致便秘.pdf
l’accompagnement nutritionnel d’un patient présentant une constipation chimio-induite:营养支持的患者化疗所致便秘
Chinese herbal medicine (Ma Zi Ren Wan) for functional constipation study protocol for a prospective, double-blinded, double-dummy, randomized controlled trial.pdf
Chinese herbal medicine (Ma Zi Ren Wan) for functional constipation study protocol for a prospective, double-blinded, double-dummy, randomized controlled trial
The translation and validation of the Japanese version of the patient assessment of constipation quality of life scale.pdf
The translation and validation of the Japanese version of the patient assessment of constipation quality of life scale
便秘诊治的相关概念及药物选择[1](The related concepts and drug selection of constipation diagnosis and treatment [1]).doc
便秘诊治的相关概念及药物选择[1](The related concepts and drug selection of constipation diagnosis and treatment [1])

