Audio CODEC 基本知识及应用.pdf
_AudioCODEC ]:本文介绍了音频CODEC芯片中的ADC 和DAC 模块的相关知识,针对芯片内的一些数字音频的相关功能模块,作了介绍,以及简单地描述了如何来使用它们。这些功能基本都由软件来设
24bit audio codec.pdf
24bit audio codec24bit audio codec24bit audio codec
SpaceWire CODEC IP.pdf
SpaceWireInterface Verification.doc SpaceWire CODEC IP VHDL Verification Ref: Uod_Link_Verif Documen
Audio Codec '97.pdf
Audio Codec ‘97提供MBA资源,经济,管理,商业,培训,资讯,企业管理,管理咨询,广告营销,广告监测,市场数据,新闻监测,文档搜索,MBA百科,管理百科,经管百科"所有资料文档均为本人悉心收集,全部是文档中的精品,绝对值得下载收藏!
RK3288 Multimedia Codec Benchmark v1.1.pdf
ROCKCHIPCO. LTD. RK3288 Multimedia Codec Benchmark Ver. 1.1 April 11, 2014 ROCKCHIP CO. LTD. -IndexI
思科真系统 Codec C90.pdf
思科真系统 Codec C90
AV Codec DB _ 20071002.pdf
5544332211DDC CB BA A(Feb/12/2007) Rev :0.AVersion:0.ADescription Release VersionPAGEWM873142 Block
XviD CODEC编解码分析.pdf
14.2XviD CODEC编/解码分析 XviD Video CODEC 实现的是 MPEG-4 SP(SimpleProfile)和 ASP(Advanced Simple Profile)标准,
PART 7 CODEC 17080916172323088_7v103.pdf
PubliclyPAS 0001-7Available Vers ion: 1.0.3S pecification Date: 15 October 1997Source: TETRAPOL Foru
A method of 3D modeling and codec.pdf
With the development of 3D data acquisition tech-
nique, people can conventionally acquire 3D geom-
etry data of real objects using 3D scanning devices.
Due to the complexity of the geometry shape, real
objects should be scanned by 3D scanning devices
from multiple viewpoints. Point cloud data ac-
quired with range information are called range im-
ages. A complete 3D model can be constructed
using the range images registration technique to
align these range images. However, the registration
work is sometimes onerous, since the current meth-
ods for registering range images need the users in-
tervention, and, for large complicated real objects,
the 3D scanned data are pretty big. Therefore,
it is meaningful to explore some rapid and auto-
matic registration methods. Nowadays 3D models

