Difficult point.txt
Difficult point——所有资料文档均为本人悉心收集,全部是文档中的精品,绝对值得下载收藏!
商务英语原文--Finding your Unique Selling Point.txt
When starting up a business you will hear over and over that you need to be unique in your marketing. You want to get the consumer´s attention. There is a lot of competition out there, so being unique is essential.
商务英语原文--Closing the Sale is the Tipping Point.txt
Thank you author Malcolm Gladwell, for your exciting, revolutionary, perceptive and timely book, "The Tipping Point." His identification and description of the process that defines so many procedures in society has almost become generic, commonly used, a household term, repeated frequently everywhere. Although Gladwell did not publish this unique book as a selling manual, "The Tipping Point" is a legitimate phrase, quite accurately utilized in describing part of the selling process.
java面向对象-point, circle, cylinder 扩展层次主程序.txt
商务英语原文--The Point of a Unique Selling Point.txt
You can´t escape the term “USP” in most writing on marketing. In case you haven´t done much reading in that field, we´d like to tell you that USP stands for Unique Selling Point (or Proposition). It´s what differentiates your product or service from those of your rivals, the one thing that singles you out from the competition.
商务英语原文--Selling More at the Point of Sale.txt
Point of sale generally means the point at which the customer pays for their products or services. Point of sale (also known as POS) includes but is not limited to: the cash register, the cash drawer and the receipt printer. If you are a merchant that uses POS, you can also use POS items as marketing materials. For example, you could display products that you have a surplus of near the cash register to allow customers to impulse buy. This is quite effective when the point of sale merchandise has been marked down in price&nb
Pivot Point 交易 (支点交易).txt
Pivot Point 交易 (支点交易)Pivot Point 交易 (支点交易)Pivot Point 交易 (支点交易)
