[工学]Slag inclusion formation during solidification of steel alloys and in cast iron.pdf
[工学]Slag inclusion formation during solidification of steel alloys and in cast iron

slag inclusion formation during solidification of steel alloys and in cast iron

slag inclusion formation during solidification of steel alloys and in cast iron

sofia adolfi

licentiate thesis materials processing department of material science and engineering school of industrial engineering and management royal institute of technology se-10044 stockholm, sweden
akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av kungliga tekniska högskolan i stockholm framlägges till offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie licentiatexamen, fredagen den 11 maj 2007, kl. 10:00, sal b1, brinellvägen 23, kth, stockholm.

issnkth/mse-07/10-se+cer/avh, isbn 978-91-7178-624-1

sofia adolfi,

slag inclusion formation during solidification of steel alloys and in cast iron

school of industrial engineering and management department of materials science and tech
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