Learning to Redefine Good at Math Tensions and Possibilities in Equity-Oriented Mathematics.pdf
Learning to Redefine Good at Math Tensions and Possibilities in Equity-Oriented Mathematics
mathematical modelling of telomere length dynamics.[2020][j math biol].pdf
mathematical modelling of telomere length dynamics.[2020][j math biol]
math problem-solving and cognition among emerging bilingual children at risk and not at risk for math difficulties.[2019][child neuropsychol].pdf
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dynamics of unidirectionally-coupled ring neural network with discrete and distributed delays.[2020][j math biol].pdf
dynamics of unidirectionally-coupled ring neural network with discrete and distributed delays.[2020][j math biol]
an evaluation of some assumptions underpinning the bidomain equations of electrophysiology.[2019][math med biol].pdf
an evaluation of some assumptions underpinning the bidomain equations of electrophysiology.[2019][math med biol]
sparse identification of contrast gain control in the fruit fly photoreceptor and amacrine cell layer.[2020][j math neurosci].pdf
sparse identification of contrast gain control in the fruit fly photoreceptor and amacrine cell layer.[2020][j math neurosci]
prediction and dissipation in nonequilibrium molecular sensors_ conditionally markovian channels driven by memoryful environments.[2020][bull math.pdf
prediction and dissipation in nonequilibrium molecular sensors_ conditionally markovian channels driven by memoryful environments.[2020][bull math
overcoming drug resistance to braf inhibitor.[2020][bull math biol].pdf
overcoming drug resistance to braf inhibitor.[2020][bull math biol]

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