pre-existing root cementum may promote cementoblast differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells.pdf
pre-existing root cementum may promote cementoblast differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells
Structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of coronal cementum in human deciduous molars.pdf
Structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of coronal cementum in human deciduous molars
The circles of life age at death estimation in burnt teeth through tooth cementum annulations.pdf
The circles of life age at death estimation in burnt teeth through tooth cementum annulations
tooth cementum annulation for age estimation results from a large known-age validation study.pdf
tooth cementum annulation for age estimation results from a large known-age validation study
Strain-guided mineralization in the bone-PDL-cementum complex of a rat periodontium.pdf
Strain-guided mineralization in the bone–PDL–cementum complex of a rat periodontium
Assessing the application of tooth cementum annulation relative to macroscopic aging techniques in an archeological sample.pdf
Assessing the application of tooth cementum annulation relative to macroscopic aging techniques in an archeological sample
immunolocalization of proteoglycans and bone-related noncollagenous glycoproteins in developing acellular cementum of rat molars.pdf
immunolocalization of proteoglycans and bone-related noncollagenous glycoproteins in developing acellular cementum of rat molars
Structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of human and rat cementum and its interface with root dentin.pdf
Structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of human and rat cementum and its interface with root dentin
digital cementum luminance analysis and the haua fteah hominins how seasonality and season of use changed through time.pdf
digital cementum luminance analysis and the haua fteah hominins how seasonality and season of use changed through time

