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[英语]M1P3 Grammar2 Subject and Verb Agreement.ppt
[英语]M1P3 Grammar2 Subject and Verb Agreement

module 1

grammar 2

subject and verb agreement

学习句子中主谓语的 一致。

the police are searching for himme sheep are over there. five minutes is enough to do this exercise. more than one student has seen this film. many a ship has been damaged in the stormn of this kind are dangerous. between the two windows hangs a picture.

my family lives in cardiff. our soccer team is fantastic. the whole class is here. neither amy nor helen is english.

none of them has arrived yet.
each of them has a capital city.

neither of them is english.

1. 由and连接的并列成分指的是同一概念, 一个人的双重身份或匹配出现的事物时 谓语动词为单数,由and连接的两个并 列成分表示两个不同的概念时,谓语动 词用复数。 the worker and writer is from beijing. (那个工人兼作家…) the worker and the writer are from beijing. (那位工人和那位作家)

both cathy and her daughter linda have gone fishing in canada. bread and butter is a daily
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