Walking After Stroke Interventions to restore normal gait....pdf
Walking After Stroke Interventions to restore normal gait…
Effects of robotic gait training after stroke a meta-analysis.pdf
Effects of robotic gait training after stroke a meta-analysis
effect of traditional chinese exercise on gait and balance for stroke a meta.doc
effect of traditional chinese exercise on gait and balance for stroke a meta
effects of emg-triggered fes during trunk pattern in pnf on balance and gait performance in persons with stroke.[2020][restor neurol neurosci].pdf
UncorrectedAuthor ProofRestorative Neurology Neurosciencexx (20xx) x–xxDOI 10.3233/RNN-190944IOS Pre
perceived barriers and facilitators for gait-related participation in people after stroke_ from a patients´ perspective.[2019][physiother theory pr.pdf
perceived barriers and facilitators for gait-related participation in people after stroke_ from a patients´ perspective.[2019][physiother theory pr
Randomized controlled trial of robot-assisted gait training with dorsiflexion assistance on chronic stroke patients wearing ankle-foot-orthosis.pdf
Randomized controlled trial of robot-assisted gait training with dorsiflexion assistance on chronic stroke patients wearing ankle-foot-orthosis
does stroke location predict walk speed response to gait rehabilitation(行程位置预测步行速度对步态康复的反应).pdf
does stroke location predict walk speed response to gait rehabilitation(行程位置预测步行速度对步态康复的反应)

向豆丁求助:有没有gait stroke?
