综合课程 Unit 2 the land of the lock课件.ppt
综合课程 Unit 2 the land of the lock课件
PEPSI Ball Lock Keg保压桶使用教程-马平.pdf
PEPSIBall lock keg保压桶使用教程送给所有在自酿之路上同我一起前进的朋友们--马平鸣谢!PEPSI保压桶的团购活动已经顺利完成,据路边社调查,除了距离较远的新疆同学的桶依然在途,其他地
BS英国建筑规范Document H - Drainage and Waste Disposal 2002 lock.pdf
BS英国建筑规范Document H - Drainage and Waste Disposal 2002 lockBS英国建筑规范Document H - Drainage and Waste Disposal 2002 lockBS英国建筑规范Document H - Drainage and Waste Disposal 2002 lock
三棒孔明锁的制作(三视图应用) Three-stick Kongming Lock.ppt
三棒孔明锁的制作(三视图应用) Three-stick Kongming Lock
全新版大学英语第三册Unit 3 The Land of The Lock.doc
LockLanguage Points I.Words latch:(L2) closed locked拴着门闩(并未锁着) e.g. Let yourself latch.自己进来吧,门上了闩,但没
unit3 security (the land of the lock).ppt
Unit3Unit 3SecuritySecurity Oral PracticeOral Practice1. 1.What importantwhen you go holidayWhat imp
Lean Construction SMR (2013) no lock working version.pdf
Lean Construction SMR (2013) no lock working version
loto-上锁挂牌制度(lock out tag out).txt
上锁挂牌制度(LOCKOUT &TAG OUT) 在欧美国家的一些企业,为保证维修、调试、工程作业安全,比较普遍地采用LOTO 制(lock out tagout),那么什么是LOTO LOTO即上锁
密封垫片-JIS B1251 -2001 锥形弹簧垫圈 Spring lock washers.pdf
[名称]密封垫片-JIS B1251 -2001 锥形弹簧垫圈 Spring lock washers.pdf [大小]575704 [时间]2009-6-10 14:04:18 [编辑]2008-11-27 16:39:01...
Digital field programmable gate array-based lock-in amplifier for high-performance photon counting applications.pdf
Digital field programmable gate array-based lock-in amplifier for high-performance photon counting applications

A. Restelli, R. Abbiati, and A. Geraci

In the past few years the availability of low-cost, high-performance digital configurable devices
digital signal processors DSP and field programmable gate arrays FPGAs above all has
extended the application of digital signal processing to a larger field of instrumentation. In
particular, the phase-sensitive detection PSD technique, which is at the heart of lock-in amplifiers,
substantially benefits from digital implementation, especially by the use of configurable devices,
both in terms of architectural efficiency and achievable performance. In this paper we describe the
design and realization of a digital lock-in amplifier devoted to high-performance photon counting
applications based on a PSD section implemented in a FPGA device. Among the main features of
the proposed digital instrument are reconfigurability, a

向豆丁求助:有没有k3 lock?
