Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.pdf
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis—文档、资料、论文、办公、总结,均是精品资料,免费阅读,免费分享,值得下载!
Cost-Effectiveness of the Implantable Cardioverter....pdf
Cost-Effectiveness of the Implantable Cardioverter…
Cost-effectiveness analysis of education and health....pdf
Cost-effectiveness analysis of education and health…
Three essays in medical cost-effectiveness analysis..pdf
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) has emerged to be a popular tool in health care for allocating scarce societal resources. In this dissertation, I study three aspects of CEA using the net health benefits (NHB) framework suggested by Stinnett and Mullahy (1998) as the basis of conducting CEA. This framework also has its underpinnings in welfare economic theory.;In the first piece, I use a model based on a family utility function with altruistic linkages to show that there can be direct and indirect welfare effects to all family members. I study how the spillover effects to the spouse in a two-person family should affect choice of treatments for prostate cancer. I then analyze treatment choices of prostate cancer patients using the linked SEER-Medicare database to test the predictions. I conclude that cost-effectiveness analyses may better reflect the full costs and benefits of medical interventions if they incorporate these family effects.;In the second piece, I introduce the conc
2010-Cost Effectiveness of High-Dose Intravenous Esomeprazole for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding.pdf
2010-Cost Effectiveness of High-Dose Intravenous Esomeprazole for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding2010-Cost Effectiveness of High-Dose Intravenous Esomeprazole for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding2010-Cost Effectiveness of High-Dose Intravenous Esomeprazole for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding
Cost-effectiveness criteria for marine oil spill preventive measures.pdf
Cost-effectiveness criteria for marine oil spill preventive measures ...
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pharmaceutical Care in a Medicare.pdf
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pharmaceutical Care in a Medicare
Achieving cost-effectiveness and equity_ Analysis of the international emissions trading system.pdf
Achieving cost-effectiveness and equity_ Analysis of the international emissions trading system

