商务英语原文--Get Cash Flow For a Structured Settlement.txt
There are various companies that offer a lump sum payment in exchange for cash flow streams generated by structured settlements. Beneficiaries of structured settlements often have to sell settlements when faced with an urgent or near-term liquidity need.
商务英语原文--Business Debt Settlement - Choosing the Right Service Provider for Business Debt Settlement.txt
Accumulating debt is a part of starting and running a venture. Every enterprise has some debt to suppliers, and many owe mortgages for their office or retail space. Maintaining a certain level of business debt can even be healthy for your credit rating, when good-sized payments are regularly made.
商务英语原文--The Basics of Debt Settlement Solutions.txt
Debt settlement, in simple terms, means paying up what is owed in one lump sum, or in a number of installments. A debt settlement solution usually takes only a few months to complete, and afterwards, all debt is written off as if it never happened. Sometimes, the amount required for paying up is significantly less than the original amount of debt. There are times that you will only be made to pay about 40% to 60% of your original debt.
商务英语原文--How to Get Cash For a Structured Settlement.txt
Often, owners of structured settlements are faced with a liquidity crisis that necessitates the sale of a part of the structured settlement. The reasons for selling a structured settlement can include an emergency medical expense and business opportunities. Structured settlements are sold to buyers directly by the seller or through a broker.
金融英语原文--Advantages Of Debt Settlement.txt
As you prolong paying off your debts, the interest rates rise, the debts begin accumulating and they seem to be never diminishing. During such a situation people become desperate and consider filing for bankruptcy. However before plunging into this, debt settlement may prove to be very beneficial. This helps you to decrease the rising interest rates, reduce the debts by around 65%, pay off your debts and thereby avoid bankruptcy. Below are ten reasons that that state why debt solution could be your best solution:
商务英语原文--Stopping a Foreclosure During a Divorce Settlement.txt
If you are trying to settle divorce issues, financial needs will definitely surface especially if you and your ex-spouse want an equal division of conjugal assets. It seems that in this division of assets, your old home will be a bit of a problem. Releasing total equity of your home would require you to sell it. And because each of you would want to get on with your separate lives as soon as possible, having a quick sale is the solution.
商务英语原文--Get Cash From a California Structured Settlement Company.txt
There are many resources online that offer detailed information on California structured settlement companies. A person wishing to sell his structured settlement should visit these sites so that his selection process becomes easier. The free quotes offered online help the seller to find out the minimum that he can get on the sale of his structured settlement.
商务英语原文--The Right Consumer Debt Settlement Agency for you.txt
As the economy of the United States is beginning to make American households view their credit cards and other credit sources as extensions of their income, it comes as no surprise that the levels of consumer debt being accrued by these households are now on the rise. And naturally, since the demand for their services are high, there is also a noted rise on the number of agencies offering consumer debt settlement services.
proposed $40 million settlement set for players.txt
proposed $40 million settlement set for players
