Prof Mathias DEWATRIPONT (BE) - economics, science policy.pps
Prof Mathias DEWATRIPONT (BE) – economics, science policy—文档、资料、论文、办公、总结,均是精品资料,免费阅读,免费分享,值得下载!
080517英国Mathias SCI的自主神经异常.ppt
080517英国Mathias SCI的自主神经异常080517英国Mathias SCI的自主神经异常080517英国Mathias SCI的自主神经异常
mathias ghatsha chatulukadirector of programmesfamily pl.ppt
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KM - Mathias Bertele.ppt
Individual Assignment Methods and Tools of Knowledge Management and their Potentials in Research and Developemt<br /> Mathias Bertele Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Beijing, China<br /> Beijing, 9th of November<br />
Agenda<br />
Model of Knowledge Management after Probst et al. Model of Knowledge Management after Nonaka/Takeuchi Potentials of Knowledge Management in R&D Benefits of Knowledge Management (in R&D and overall) Appendix<br />
9. November 2005<br />
Mathias Bertele<br />
2<br />
Model of Knowledge Management after Probst et al.<br />
Knowledge Goals<br />
Knowledge Goals/Controlling<br />
Knowledge Identification<br />
Knowledge Retention<br />
Knowledge Acquisition<br />
Knowledge Utilization<br />
Knowledge Development<br />
Knowledge Distribution<br />
9. November 2005<br />
Mathias Bertele<br />
3<br />
KnowledgeKnowledge Goals Setting up Goals at A.T. Kearney<br
Mathias Dewatripont.ppt
Mathias Dewatripont

